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Open Letter of Love to Britney Spears
from the Fans of Michael Jackson!
Dear Britney,
We are devoted fans of Michael Jackson,
and we are in desperate need of your help!
Michael’s Legacy is very important to us and we are working diligently to protect it.
Several years ago, MTV made the wise decision to create the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award.
A year ago, many of Michael’s fans came together on Facebook and created a movement to reach out to MTV.
We instituted a write-in letter campaign, made several fan videos and organized a peaceful protest in Times Square, New York.
We are hoping that you would support our campaign in encouraging MTV to reinstate the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award.
The Video Vanguard Award, is given to musicians who have made a profound effect on the MTV culture.
NO other Artist has had such an impact on the world, culture and MTV, than the King of POP, Michael Jackson.
It was Michael Jackson who changed the music video from a mere promotional tool featuring musicians playing instruments and singing, to a piece of art with a storyline, or as Michael likes to put as 'short films'.
His video Thriller influenced and changed music videos into what it is like today.
It was Michael Jackson , who broke down MTV's color barrier and revolutionized Music Television
We honestly believe that attention MUST be paid to the Legacy of Michael Jackson!
It is time for MTV to honor the commitment,they made to Michael Jackson, his children, his family and his fans.
We can not name, one artist that has changed the world of Music Television, more than Michael Jackson
It is time for MTV to "do the right thing" and honor "the King of POP"
We appreciate the fact that you performed with Michael on the Anniversary concert . And ,We hope that you would find it in your heart to help us honor his legacy.
Britney,Thank you for taking the time, to read this letter.
If you choose to help, we would appreciate any of your efforts, in reaching out to MTV.
Thank You in advance!
Michael Jackson’s Fans
“ It’s all for Love and Legacy”