Майкл спасает Рождество
Twas three days before Christmas, the ranch was aglow
Stockings hung, garland strung, and of course mistletoe
Michael pleased with his efforts, he gave a long glare
Now exhausted and weary, he took to his chair
His thoughts turned to the memory, of his adventure last year
His visit from Santa, now a friend he holds dear
His ride in the sleigh, his dreams coming true
He wondered if Santa, held fond memories too
His eyelids grew heavy, slumber was near
But just as he dozed off, a voice he did hear
"Michael, my good friend, I'm sorry to wake
Your help I'm in need of, for all is at stake"
Michael opened his eyes, and there stood before him
The white bearded man, looking tired and trim
He recognized instantly, the presence in the room
Then quickly sensed also, a feeling of doom
Santa stood there hunched over, no smile on his face
Looking so sad, no jolly, not even a trace
Michael jumped to his feet, gave a hug to the latter
Alarmed by his appearance, asking what was the matter
Santa explained, the trouble, was all with the elves
All the toys and presents, still remained on the shelves
The elves, it seemed, were overcome with great sadness
The dire state of the world and its people, had stolen their gladness
A deep sorrow had spread, through the North Pole like fire
With the elves losing ambition, all hope and desire
Michael queried, "Please tell me, what can I do"
Santa replied, "I've come Michael, just because you are you"
A perplexed look, Michael took on his face
Santa said, "I'm in need of your gift, love and grace"
Michael, now understanding, no time could he lose
He tossed off his slippers and put on his shoes
Santa took hold of his hand, tossed magic dust, touched his nose
In a blink, maybe less, to the North Pole they rose
Michael, never before, had seen such a sight
Its magnificence, held him spellbound, so filled with delight
Snow angels and reindeer, flying past him were dandy
Most impressive of all, the house made of candy
The lights were so bright, turning night into day
It rendered him speechless, no words could he say
But a task lay before him, most serious indeed
He felt right away, the greatest of need
All the elves, Santa gathered, in front the stage
And when they saw Michael, he was quickly "the rage"
They were dazzled by his dance, his spins and his twirls
He sang "BAD" in those gold pants, just for the girls
For hours, their attention, he held with his style
He closed with his beautiful rendition of "Smile"
When he finished, the elves gave him plentiful cheers
They so happily now, were freed from their fears
He greeted them warmly, with kisses and hugs
They talked and laughed with him, passing cocoa filled mugs
They soon scurried off, getting back to their tasks
With smiles so abundant, no more the sad masks
A joyous success, the elves now, all right
Santa knowing "his gift", had shown them the light
So pleased, he squeezed Michael, nearly in half
"How do I thank you, my friend, on the world's behalf
Some games or some toys, just tell me your fun
You need only ask, and it shall be done"
The shyness in Michael, which always is there
Brought his head to a bow, to avoid Santa's stare
From the Jolly Ole' Man, did he dare ask a thing
But, there was one gift, his happiness would bring
Michael's chin in his hand, Santa raised up his head
"Come now Michael, please tell me, all can be said"
"Santa, gift me with faith, to always endure
Through hard times, doubt, and being unsure"
Now a puzzled look, on his face, Santa had
Then, a twinkle in his eye, he gave to the lad
"Michael, this gift that you ask for, I cannot give
You already have it; the proof, how you live
No greater or abundant faith, a man ever needs
Than to love from his heart, which reflects in his deeds
The man in the mirror, you sought all along
Was always inside you, expressed in your song
Your compassion, generosity and love, passed the test
You already measure, above all the rest"
"But Santa, the world does suffer, it's true
There must be something more I can do"
Santa took him in hand, with a stern and strong grip, sharing
"Enough you have done; ALL must give love and caring"
"Then give me the faith Santa, to believe that we can
For it is so true, I am only one man"
"The faith you desire Michael, is in the seeds you have sown
Just look all around you, see how they've grown"
Glancing round at the elves, their renewed glee and splendor
Michael then realized, he indeed was a mender
A smile lit his face, as bright as the sun
Humbly assured, his work was well done
Now turning to Santa, with a whimsical grin
Saying, "Santa, doggonit, you've done it again"
Both laughing out loud, in this moment of bliss
Michael knowing, this place, he surely would miss
With those sparking doe eyes, he did timidly plea,
"May I stay, please Santa, if just for awhile"
"HO, HO, HO", Santa roared with his heartiest bellow
"Of course you can Michael, we cherish your smile.
Краткий пересказ по-русски:
Майкл украсил свое ранчо к Рождеству и, уставший, сел отдохнуть в кресло. Начав вспоминать свое прошлогоднее рождественское приключение, когда он подружился с Сантой и катался с ним на санях, он незаметно для себя задремал. Вдруг его будит чей-то голос. Открыв глаза, Майкл видит рядом Санта-Клауса, который пришел просить о помощи. Оказывается, эльфы совершенно демотивированы удручающей ситуацией в мире, и не хотят готовить подарки для детей! И конечно же только Майкл может вернуть им вдохновение и веру в будущее. Майкл, подскочив, переодевает тапочки и переносится с Сантой на Северный Полюс. И вот они - в карамельном домике, среди оленей и снежных ангелов. Но с присущим ему профессионализмом Майкл понимает всю серьезность своей миссии. Эльфы собираются перед сценой, и Майкл дает им полноценный концерт, исполняя умопомрачительный "Bad" в золотых штанах (для девочек), и заканчивая прекрасной "Smile". Эльфы незамедлительно излечиваются от депрессии и принимаются за дело.
Санта в благодарность за дар, которым поделился Майкл, обнимает его и велит просить всего, чего тот пожелает. Майкл, смущенно опустив глаза в пол, признается, что есть одна вещь... и просит веры, которая помогала бы ему в тяжелые времена уныния и сомнений. Санта удивляется и, подмигнув, отвечает, что вера у Майкла уже есть, и доказательство тому его образ жизни. "Какая еще вера нужна человеку, когда его сердце излучает любовь, которая отражается в делах?" Майкл спрашивает: должно же быть что-то, что он еще может сделать для мира. Санта отвечает: "Ты уже сделал достаточно, теперь и другие вокруг должны внести свой вклад". Майкл: "Тогда подари мне веру в то, что это возможно, ведь я всего лишь один человек". Санта: "Эта вера - в посаженных тобою семенах, оглянись вокруг и увидишь". Майкл смотрит на воспрянувших духом эльфов, которые теперь пакуют подарки, и видит, что действительно, так и есть Он понимает, что сделал свое дело хорошо, и его лицо озаряет улыбка. Тогда он просит Санту ненадолго остаться у него в гостях. Санта с хохотом "Хо-хо-хо" отвечает, что Майкл будет желанным гостем, ведь от такой улыбки невозможно отказаться.
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